Trains to Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a historic landmark that people from around the world want to see in person. Make your trip to Edinburgh Castle unforgettable with a train journey on Avanti West Coast train.

How to get to Edinburgh Castle by train

Edinburgh Castle’s closest station is Waverley Station, right in the heart of the city. The Castle is visible once you leave the station up on the hill. From Waverley station, walk along Market Street until you reach Ramsey Lane. From there, you will approach Castlehill and walk up to the Castle.

What to do at Edinburgh Castle

There is plenty to do, whether you go independently or follow a set itinerary. Take a tour, find your way around the castle highlights, or have a meal. Whatever you choose to do, you’re sure to stay well entertained during your time at Edinburgh Castle.

Some highlights you may want to see at the Castle include the Great Hall, the Royal Palace, the Stone of Destiny, or the Queen’s Embroideries. The Great Hall was built in 1511 for King James IV. It is located in the Crown Square part of the Castle and has a history of banquets and events fit for royalty. Also in Crown Square, the Royal Palace was home to kings and queens for many years throughout Scotland’s turbulent history. Visitors can also see the royal apartments when visiting the Palace.

The Stone of Destiny was used for hundreds of years to inaugurate kings of Scotland. While its origins are a mystery, it is still sacred and is in the Crown Square with the Crown Jewels. The Queen’s Embroideries are a replica of embroideries that Mary Queen of Scots made when she got exiled in England. There are 37 needlework pictures displayed in the ante-chamber of the Royal apartments which are also worth a look.

You can get support on your journey through the Castle on a guided tour or with an itinerary, and learn about the different corners of the Castle as part of a one or two hour tour. On these guided tours, you can choose the route that stops at the attractions you are most interested in seeing, so you don’t have to worry about missing out. The Morning Route, Royal Route, and Military March are only some of the cultured experiences you can enjoy.

After exploring the Castle all day, you are sure to be hungry. Edinburgh Castle lets you choose between a light snack and a full meal during your time there. At the top of the Castle, the Tea Rooms provide an elegant space to enjoy afternoon tea. Have a snack that makes you feel like royalty, or enjoy craft beers, whiskies, wines, or spirits. At the Redcoat Café, you can have a hearty lunch or a quick snack. The seasonal menu offers soups, sandwiches, and other bites.

Getting to Edinburgh Castle

A train ride to Edinburgh is an amazing day out no matter where you head once you get off. From London Euston, Manchester or Birmingham you can get up to Edinburgh using Avanti West Coast trains.

The views from the trains are amazing and you'll be able to fully experience the magic of Edinburgh.

Getting to Edinburgh >

Edinburgh Station

Ways to save on your train ticket to Edinburgh Castle

Travelling to Edinburgh Castle is extra enjoyable if you go by train. Take in the views of the British countryside as you whizz your way to Edinburgh.

Book directly and in advance to save on your train tickets. When you book directly, you can avoid fees on your ticket purchase and have access to exclusive Avanti West Coast discounts. Save even more money when you book in advance. The farther in advance you book, the more you save - Advance booking is available for Standard, Standard Premium, and First Class tickets.

You can also save by purchasing a Railcard which provides a discounted rate of over 1/3 off when you purchase your train tickets. The price may vary depending on age, but the savings are always valuable. You may also be able to use a digital or family Railcard – check the different types to see if you qualify. A digital Railcard makes using your Railcard convenient as you always have it ready to use on your device. A family Railcard offers savings of up to 60% for children and can be used by families of two to five people when riding together.

Off-season tickets can also help you save by offering a discount to ride when fewer people are using the trains. Off-peak hours typically start after the morning rush hour, and begin again in mid to late afternoon. Peak hours are triggered at different times for different services so check your times and prices when you’re buying your ticket. Choosing these times can mean savings on your commute with Avanti West Coast.

Get the app

Use the Avanti West Coast app to get train tickets to Edinburgh Castle.

You can book them direct with us, pay how you want and save them straight to your device whilst never paying booking fees.