Trains from Liverpool to London Euston

Shopping, Culture and Nightlife - 
discover all the highlights.

Get trains from [departure_station] direct to [arrival_station] in [journey_time] with Avanti West Coast.

Whether it’s for business, sightseeing or visiting friends, your trip to [arrival_station] is that much easier and more convenient when you travel with Avanti West Coast. We always sell the cheapest off-peak train tickets for our Avanti West Coast routes if you book in advance. The journey from from [departure_station] to [arrival_station] takes around [journey_time]. And don’t forget, on the train you’ll have WiFi and a fantastic shop onboard to get refreshments along the way. Find out more about onboard services here.

Visit London

This journey is [changes]

London travelling

Arrive in [arrival_station] in [journey_time]


And you'll travel [journey_distance]

Cheap train tickets from Liverpool to London

To get the best possible prices, it pays to prepare in advance. Here are three ways you can save on your train ticket:

  • Book direct through us. Use our website or app and there's no booking fee, so that's a saving immediately. And if you later see a cheaper price for the same train journey somewhere else, we'll refund the difference.
  • Book in advance. Tickets go on sale around 12 weeks before the journey date. The earlier you book, the less you pay. You can even set up a ticket alert and we'll email you when the tickets are available to book.
  • Use a railcard. If you travel frequently, a Railcard will probably pay for itself pretty soon as it can give a third or even a half off the full price, depending on your age.

First Class service

If you're the type who doesn't mind spending a little bit more to get a big advantage, you'll love our First Class service. At Lime Street, you can use our First Class Lounge to get yourself prepared for the journey, then once onboard it's a wider seat, more legroom, a guaranteed table, complimentary snacks and drinks, and free WiFi so you can keep in touch with the outside world. Find out more about First Class here.


How do I book train tickets for this route?

How long is the journey from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]?

Are there direct trains from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]?

What time is the first train on this route?

What time is the last train on this route?