Trains from Telford to Shrewsbury

Everything you need to know about travelling by train from Telford to Shrewsbury.


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Getting from Telford to Shrewsbury by train

Telford and Shrewsbury are two towns in the heart of Shropshire, a quaint county bordering Wales.

Shrewsbury, a picturesque market town nestled along the banks of the River Severn, boasts significant medieval architecture and active markets. From wandering through the cobbled streets to visiting Shrewsbury Castle, there is plenty to do and plenty to see in this attractive town.

You can travel to Shrewsbury from Telford in just 22 minutes, with tickets from as little as £7:00.

Find the cheapest train tickets from Telford to Shrewsbury

To help you stretch your money further, we offer a range of cheap train tickets and discounts to railcard holders, and senior and group travellers.

Many of you travelling from Telford to Shrewsbury will be commuters. For you, we have a range of season tickets, benefits and reward schemes. You could even upgrade to First Class.

Whether you’re travelling in Peak, Off-Peak, or Super Off-Peak hours, we will help you find a ticket at the right price at a departure time that suits you.

Finally, if you’re heading for leisure, see our range of 2 For 1 offers to attractions and events. You might get yourself a deal.

Travelling in comfort with Avanti

Although it’s just a short 13 miles to your destination, we want to make that time go swiftly.

Answer your emails or scroll through the news with our fast, reliable WiFi. Then arrive thoroughly recharged and refreshed with our onboard power sockets and onboard snacks, drinks and refreshments.

Make your journey even more relaxing by booking advance tickets to get the cheapest ticket with a departure time that’s ideal for you.

If you need to make a last-minute trip, you can use our Live Train Journey Tracker to easily book a ticket for the next train up to your arrival at the station.

Travelling from Telford?

Telford presents plenty of attractions. The esteemed Telford Cathedral serves as a historical landmark, encapsulating the city's rich heritage.

Likewise, the nearby Ironbridge Gorge, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers visitors great insight into the Industrial Revolution. This is linked to Thomas Telford, whom the town is named after. Telford was a civil engineer for many road, canal and bridge projects in the county.

For convenient access to the train station, you have a variety of transportation options, including buses and taxis. Telford Central station is well-equipped with essential facilities such as ticketing services, comfortable waiting areas, and a selection of refreshment options.

Travelling to Shrewsbury?

The pride of Shropshire, Shrewsbury is a picturesque town steeped in mediaeval charm.

The town centre, with its historic streets, unfolds tales of the past, featuring landmarks such as Shrewsbury Castle. Nearby you’ll also find a statue of renowned naturalist Charles Darwin, which sits outside the library, barely 200 yards from the station exit.

Shrewsbury's culture is enhanced even further with its sporting history, being home to Shrewsbury Town FC.

For the best places to eat, culinary enthusiasts can venture into establishments like The Peach Tree and The Boathouse. You could also visit The Armoury pub, which is nearer to the River Severn.

All these places are perfect to do before a stroll around The Quarry, Shrewsbury’s main park. Perfect for a stroll down the riverside.

The station is a short walk from the centre, ensuring convenient access for visitors. Shrewsbury train station is well-equipped with essential facilities, from toilets, information desks and a Starbucks.

First Class service

Experience an elevated standard of travel by opting for first-class travel. Enjoy the privilege of complimentary snacks and beverages, a more commodious seating arrangement, a guaranteed table equipped with electrical sockets, and augmented legroom.

These premium amenities are accessible at a remarkably reasonable cost. Find out more about First Class train tickets here, and how a simple upgrade enhances your travel experience.

Useful information for your journey from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]