Due to disruption expected from Storm Éowyn, there are no trains running north of Preston (to/from Cumbria, Glasgow or Edinburgh) on Friday 24 January. Do not attempt to travel on this route. On our North Wales route, please only travel if absolutely necessary on Friday.
Elsewhere in the UK, there is still a risk of disruption to your journey due to the impact of Storm Éowyn. We strongly recommend that you check before you travel using the link below.
If you're due to travel north of Preston or on our North Wales route on Friday 24 January, your existing ticket can now be used on any Avanti West Coast service via the same route from Thursday 23 January until the end of service on Tuesday 28 January.
Alternatively, if you abandon your journey as a result of the disruption, then you can claim a fee-free refund from where you bought your ticket. If you continue with your journey but are delayed by 15 minutes or more, you can claim Delay Repay compensation from the train company you travel with.
We’re pleased that the RMT has called off its strike action for Avanti West Coast on Sundays 19 and 26 January. On 26 January, we’ll now run our planned timetable – though this is still reduced due to engineering work.
You can still claim a refund or travel flexibly as outlined below for both cancelled strike dates.
For Sunday strike dates further into the future, we’ll let you know your ticket options, travel advice and timetable information as soon as possible.