Trains from Chester to London Euston

Shopping, Culture and Nightlife - 
discover all the highlights.

Getting from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]

There are plenty of services every day to get you from Chester to London, whether you're an early bird or a night owl or something in between. The journey takes just over 2 hours and if you book in advance and travel off-peak you can save money on your ticket. Along the way, there's free WiFi to enjoy, and when you need refreshing, just amble down to the onboard shop to pick up a snack or a drink. Find out more about onboard facilities here>.

Visit London

This journey is [changes]

London travelling

Arrive in [arrival_station] in [journey_time]


And you'll travel [journey_distance]

Cheap train tickets from Chester to London

Here are a few tips so you can get the best price when booking your tickets from Chester to London:

  • When you book in advance, your ticket will be cheaper - tickets are typically become available 12 weeks in advance. Sign up to advance ticket alerts and we'll email you once your tickets become available to buy on our website. 
  • If you travel this route more than a few times a year or are a regular off-peak train traveller, a Railcard is great value for money, saving you a third or half off the price, depending on your age.
  • Our last tip is to book direct with us. If you use our app or website to buy your Avanti ticket, there will be no fee at all. And better still, if you find the same ticket cheaper elsewhere, we'll refund the difference. That's why we can't be beaten on price.

First Class service

If you like a wider seat, more legroom and a guaranteed table and socket, a First Class upgrade could be for you. Even better, you'll be showered with complimentary snacks and drinks as you travel from Chester to London. With Free WiFi, you can catch up with work or watch a movie as the English countryside flies by. What a way to travel! Find out about First Class here.

Useful information for your journey from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]


How do I book train tickets for this route?

How long is the journey from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]?

Are there direct trains from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]?

What time is the first train on this route?

What time is the last train on this route?