Trains from Lancaster to Preston

Learn all you need to know about how to travel by train from Lancaster to Preston.


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Getting from Lancaster to Preston by train

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. But don't relax too much, because getting from Lancaster to Preston by train takes less than 20 minutes.

On the north bank of the River Ribble in Lancashire, Preston is a pleasant city with plenty to see and do. Throughout the city, local history is showcased with museums and memorials dedicated to Preston's proud history of textile production.

Here we explain how to travel to Preston from Lancashire, which you can do in just 17 mins

Find the cheapest train tickets from Lancaster to Preston

You don’t want to spend all your budget on getting from point A to B. To help you get the most out of your money, we offer a range of cheap train tickets and discounts to Railcard holders, senior travellers, and groups.

Whether you’re travelling in Peak, Off-Peak, or Super Off-Peak hours, our Best Fare Finder will help you to find a ticket at the right price at a departure time that suits you.

Plus, if you’re heading away for a short break, we offer a range of 2 For 1 offers to attractions and events. This way, you can find a deal to make your visit special.

Travelling in comfort with Avanti

It might not be the longest journey, but it will certainly be your most comfortable. Enjoy the view from our big reclining seats as you’re driven the 21 miles (33 Km ) to your destination. Answer your emails or scroll through the news with our fast, reliable Wifi. Then arrive thoroughly recharged and refreshed with our onboard power sockets and onboard snacks, drinks and refreshments.

Making your journey even more relaxing by booking advance tickets to get the cheapest ticket with a departure time that’s ideal for you. Or, if you’re making a last-minute trip, you can use our Live Train Journey Tracker to easily book a ticket for the next train up to your arrival at the station.

Travelling from Lancaster?

A short way from Preston, Lancaster is a charming city and the county town of Lancashire. And there's so much to do here.

Explore the historic streets of the centre, filled with picturesque buildings, independent shops, and inviting cafes.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Lancaster Priory, a scenic church with Gothic architecture. One of the city's notable landmarks is Lancaster Castle, an impressive mediaeval fortress. Certainly, one for history buffs to enjoy.

To reach the train station in Lancaster, travellers have a range of convenient options. The city is well-served by buses, with multiple routes passing by or near the train station. There are also taxis for extra comfort and if you have heavy bags.

Travelling to Preston?

Preston is a charming city in Lancashire. With its role in textile production during the industrial revolution, there's an abundance of interesting museums on the topic.

Preston is also home to Preston North-End, a famous football club and one of the 12 founding members of the football league in 1888. Currently competing in the Championship, a trip to Deepdale is always fun.

Once you need to get back, getting to Preston train station is simple. Located directly in the centre of town, the easiest option is to walk or get a taxi.

While you’re waiting on your train, you’ll find plenty in the station to keep you busy, such as shops and cafes. There are also public toilets at the station.

Useful information for your journey from [departure_station] to [arrival_station]